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You will be accompanied by us as your exclusive private tour guide throughout your vacation in Ethiopia. Your holiday will be flexible and we will try to cater for all specific requests, wherever possible.


We will discuss your itinerary —we'll find out more about your interests and talk over what you want to see and do; agree a vacation budget and confirm your holiday dates. All you need to do is book your international flights to Ethiopia and as your exclusive Ethiopian tour guide we will take care of everything else. We will book all of your accommodation, internal flights, transfers, vehicles and sightseeing excursions—all inclusive to your holiday.


Alternatively, you can also book just part of your holiday or trip with us. Perhaps choosing sightseeing in Addis Ababa, excursion to the Nile gorge, Historic or Cultural tours. We will explore the historic and cultural sights together. We will take you on a journey through the land of human origin, retelling the story of an ancient history, culture and civilization that will leave you spellbound.


Above all it’s important that we have fun—you will experience the splendor of Ethiopia and learn about our culture and our Ethiopian way of life in a way that you’ll always fondly remember.


Now take a look at my suggested Ethiopian holiday itineraries and let’s start planning your holiday experience of a lifetime.


Touring Ethiopia with us is all about learning, exploring ancient sights, discovering new cultures and engaging in exciting activities—while always remembering to have lots of fun.


As your experienced tour guide in Ethiopia, together we will plan your exclusive private Ethiopian vacation – perhaps just a day or two sightseeing in Addis Ababa and the nearby attractions, like the Debre Libanos monastery, Nile gorge, trekking around the highland lake of Wonchi or maybe combining Historic route in the north with cultural tours of the tribes in the Omo Valley from three to four weeks of time. The Bale mountains and the ancient walled city of Harar can also be combined in one tour and we can tailor made it as per your request.

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